

Good marriages do not neglect the individual
A lasting marriage does not always signal a happy marriage. Plenty of miserable couples have stayed together for children, religion or other practical reasons. But for many couples, it's just not enough to stay together. They want a relationship that is meaningful and satisfying. In short, they want a sustainable marriage.
一段持久的婚姻未必是快樂的。太多同床異夢的怨偶是因為孩子、宗教或這現實生活的考量勉強還湊在一塊 兒。多數人在婚姻中所期待的不只是一段為期甚長的婚姻關係,他們希望在婚姻中得找到有意義,且令人滿足的關係。簡而言之,就是一段可長可久,且滿足踏實的婚姻關係。

"The things that make a marriage last have more to do with communication skills, mental health, social support, stress - those are the things that allow it to last or not," says Arthur Aron, a psychology professor who directs the Interpersonal Relationships Laboratory at the State University of New York at Stony Brook. "But those things don't necessarily make it meaningful or enjoyable or sustaining to the individual."

The notion that the best marriages are those that bring satisfaction to the individual may seem counterintuitive. After all, isn't marriage supposed to be about putting the relationship first?

Not anymore. For centuries, marriage was viewed as an economic and social institution, and the emotional and intellectual needs of the spouses were secondary to the survival of the marriage itself. But in modern relationships, people are looking for a partnership, and they want partners who make their lives more interesting.

Caryl Rusbult, a researcher at Vrije University in Amsterdam who died last January, called it the "Michelangelo effect," referring to the manner in which close partners "sculpt" each other in ways that help them attain goals.
這種現象被稱為米開朗基羅效應(Caryl Rusbult),伴侶關係中的兩個人,會彼此將對方雕刻、塑造成能夠協助自己達成人生目標的某種樣式。

Dr. Aron and Gary W. Lewandowski Jr., a professor at Monmouth University in New Jersey, have studied how individuals use a relationship to accumulate knowledge and experiences, a process they call "selfexpansion." Research shows that the more self-expansion people experience, the more satisfied they are in the relationship.
Dr. Lewandowski developed a series of questions: How much has being with your partner resulted in your learning new things? How much has knowing your partner made you a better person?
Self-expansion can lead to more sustainable relationships, Dr. Lewandowski says.
A sustainable life
"If you're seeking self-growth and obtain it from your partner, then that puts your partner in a pretty important position," he explains. "And being able to help your partner's self-expansion would be pretty pleasing to yourself."

The concept explains why people are delighted when dates treat them to new experiences. Individuals grow with their partners' help in big and small ways. It happens when they introduce new friends, or casually talk about a new restaurant or a story in the news.

The effect of self-expansion is particularly pronounced when people first fall in love. In research at the University of California at Santa Cruz, 325 undergraduate students were given questionnaires five times over 10 weeks. They were asked, "Who are you today?" and given three minutes to describe themselves.
They were also asked about recent experiences, including whether they had fallen in love.
After students reported falling in love, they used more varied words in their self-descriptions. The new relationships had broadened the way they looked at themselves. "You go from being a stranger to including this person in the self, so you suddenly have all of these social roles and identities you didn't have before," explains Dr. Aron, an author of the research. "It's very exhilarating."
The personal gains from lasting relationships are often subtle. Having a partner who is funny or creative adds something new to someone who isn't. A partner who is a community volunteer creates social opportunities for a spouse who spends long hours at work.

Additional research suggests that spouses eventually adopt the traits of the other - and become slower to distinguish differences between them, or slower to remember which skills belong to which spouse.

It's not that these couples lost themselves in the marriage; instead, they grew in it. Activities, traits and behaviors that had not been part of their identity before the relationship were now an essential part of how they experienced life.
All of this can be highly predictive for a couple's happiness. One scale designed by Dr. Aron and colleagues depicts seven pairs of circles. The first set is side by side. With each new set, the circles begin to overlap until they are nearly on top of each other. Couples choose the set that best represents their relationship.
People bored in their marriages were more likely to choose the more separate circles. Partners involved in novel and interesting experiences together were more likely to pick one of the overlapping circles and less likely to report boredom. "People have a fundamental motivation to improve the self and add to who they are as a person," Dr. Lewandowski says. "If your partner is helping you become a better person, you become happier and more satisfied in the relationship."
對婚姻厭煩的,就會選擇越分離的兩個圓。彼此影響,常接觸新奇事物的伴侶,則鮮少抱怨婚姻中有索然無味的情況。「如果你的伴侶讓你變成一個better person,那婚姻關係中所得到的滿足和喜樂就會更多。」(Lewandowski)。
